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  Name : Leanne Phillips
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Internet
Comments : We had a Welsh Springer about 10yrs ago, absolutely loved her, We had to have her put to sleep, after being diagnosed with Breast cancer & it was inoperable due to her age. We are looking at getting another one, as a family pet. We also have a English Springer at the moment, he is 6yrs old, he is very well behaved & he loves going to the beach.
Date : 16-Apr-18

  Name : Fi Claus
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : google search of Welsh springer spaniel Brisbane
Comments : Thankyou for your wealth of interesting info about welshies! We have an English setter and are considering getting a welshie as company for him. From what you write about their personalities and high exercise needs, they sound very similar!
Date : 25-Feb-16

  Name : Kristen
Web Site :
Country : Victoria, Australia
How you found us :
Comments : Thank you for having such an amazing website. In our search for a puppy breed, your site, among others, were amazing in helping us decide on a Welshie. My partner and I introduced an extremely energetic puppy by the name of Alys in our family a few months ago. Recently we recieved Alys's and it turns out, your Caddy is her father! We were delighted to be able to compare photos of Caddy and his family members. My partner and I are from Queensland and would love to visit one day (in the far future. Traveling with 2 cats and puppy his very hard!). Thank you again!
Date : 18-Jul-15

  Name : John nyitrai
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : dogzonline
Comments : I own a 9 month old welshie and I absolutely love her and I love looking at pictures of other welshies. They are awesome dogs and even when there naughty they still look angelic.
Date : 27-Jan-15

  Name : Frits Beekelaar
Web Site :
Country : Netherlands
How you found us : your e-mail
Comments : Very good to here from you again. Keep in touth.
Date : 15-Dec-12

  Name : kris
Web Site :
Country : Hawaii,USA
How you found us : referral ,and Dogzonline
Comments : Your dogs are so lovely.Thank you so much for allowing me to have Dylan.He sends a huge Aloha! He has such a beautiful temperament and is such a joy to be around. I promise I will send more pic's. Kris
Date : 4-Jun-11

  Name : olga
Web Site :
Country : Slovakia
How you found us :
Comments : Your dogs are amazing. Very nice your pics. I wish you all the best with them
Date : 22-Dec-10

  Name : Anja Paduch
Web Site :
Country : Germany
How you found us : Dogz online
Comments : Hello and WSS-greetings from Germany! You have a very nice website and lovely Welshies. Good luck for the future.
Date : 2-Feb-10

  Name : Olliver Sharpe
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Email
Comments : Funny looking dogs Nanny and Poppy...... I prefer the black and brown ones though. Although I do like playing with Chilli. Love Olly
Date : 29-Jan-10

  Name : Nikki Jones
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : DOL
Comments : Love the new web site & Tally Loves it to! Looks great & easy to navigate. Tally get's to see all his relatives! Like Chilli very much! She's going to be a **STAR**! Not that we are biased or anything??? Love Baxter too - isn't he lovely?? Like them all really! LOL! Will send some more photo's soon - Ceers Nikki & Peter & Talyessin LLewellyn Jones! Woof!
Date : 9-Jan-10

  Name : Ben
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : google
Comments : Very interesting website - love the pics!
Date : 30-Dec-09

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